Monday, November 2, 2015

10-minute home cardio workout

10-Minute Workout

If you want to melt excess holiday calories faster than snow, try this pumped-up cardio routine developed by Keli Roberts, creator of 10-Minute Cardio Kick Box. You'll burn 150 calories in just 10 minutes.

Jump Rope

Begin by taking two jumps for each turn; land softly on balls of feet.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms by sides. Squat down, bringing hands to floor outside your feet. Jump legs back into a plank pose. Do one push-up. Hop feet to the inside of hands, then jump up, reaching fingertips toward the ceiling. Repeat

Jump Rope

Do one jump per turn.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up with Side-Plank

Repeat minute 2 to 3, but after completing push-up, shift weight onto your right hand and the outside of your right foot. Rotate body to the right, extending left arm toward ceiling; keep hips lifted. Rotate back to center and repeat on opposite side. Hop feet back to start and jump up; repeat.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up with Leg Lifts

Jump Rope

Do one jump per turn.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up with Leg Lifts

Repeat minute 2 to 3. After completing push-up, lift left toes about 12 inches. Lower and repeat with right. Hop back to start, jump up, and repeat.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up with Mountain Climbers

Jump Rope

Do one jump per turn.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up with Mountain Climbers

Repeat minute 2 to 3. After completing the push-up, hop right foot to the floor just underneath hips. Quickly hop right foot back, extending leg behind you, while bringing left foot forward. Complete 5 hops on each leg, alternating sides. Hop feet back to start, jump up, and repeat.

Jump Rope

Do one jump per turn.

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