The Latest Fitness … Zumba Dance

You can enjoy this lively dance which is inspired by the famous Latin dance. People of all ages and weights can go AL Zumba wonderful experience without the need for prior knowledge of this type of dance.

You only live one life

In the world of fitness, you may have noticed three main types of people

10-Minute Workout

If you want to melt excess holiday calories faster than snow, try this pumped-up cardio routine developed by Keli Roberts

Five Rules That Can Burn Fat

1. Delete carbohydrate from your Evening meal: Perhaps this step may be one of the most affecting in your diet. It is the most important because it reduces the total calories because the body takes longer to digest at night

Top 25 At-Home Exercises

Life can get busy, and sometimes we find ourselves traveling or unable to get to our preferred health and fitness facility for a workout

Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Best Bodyweight Exercises

Although we’ve talked about some pretty advanced exercises, it’s important that you master the basics first.
The most important closed kinetic chain bodyweight exercises you need to learn are the squat, pull/chin-up and push-up.
They are the most important because, in combination, they provide a full-body workout, and each of them can be progressed easily. Working towards the the most advanced variations of these exercises is extremely tough and enable you to keep building muscle without weights for years to come.


Squats are thought to be one of the best exercises you can possibly do. It’s easy to use progressions to make them harder as time goes by, but you should start by perfecting your form. Here’s how:
  • To start, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and put your arms out straight in front of you or behind your head.
  • Begin the descent by pushing your hips back and bending at the knees.
  • Look straight ahead and keep your chest up to ensure your back remains in a flat, neutral position. Your back should remain in this neutral position throughout the movement.
  • Squat down as low as you can whilst keeping your back straight, and then explode back up to the starting position by driving through your heels.
  • Your weight should be on your heels throughout the entire exercise.

Pull-Ups and Chin-Ups

Pull-ups and chin-ups are amongst the most important exercises to both novice and advanced athletes alike – which is why it sometimes referred to as ‘the upper body squat’.
Before we go on, it’s important to distinguish between a pull-up and a chin-up:
  • Pull-ups are performed with your palms facing away from you.
  • Chin-ups are performed with your palms facing you.
Both pull-ups and chin-ups work the back and arms, but chin-ups place slightly more stress on the biceps and are easier than pull-ups. Here are some pointers on form:
  • The movement begins from a dead hang. This means your arms should be fully extended, hands about shoulder width apart, chest up, and your shoulders back and tight.
  • Pull yourself up toward the bar, clearing the bar with your chin.
  • Lower yourself in a controlled motion, and repeat the process.
If you find yourself unable to perform a single pull or chin-up, work on performing negatives. To perform a negative, jump above the bar and try to lower yourself slowly and in control until you’re at the bottom of the movement. This is a great way to build some strength that will prepare you for the real deal.


Push ups engage your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core for a complete pushing exercise, and there’s a tonne of different variations to satisfy the beginner to the advanced athlete. They’re kind of a big deal.
To perform a basic push- up:
  • Place you hands on the ground slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor.
  • Ensure you keep your body in a straight line throughout the movement by squeezing your glutes and bracing your abs as if somebody was going to punch you in the stomach.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
If you can’t do a regular push-up don’t panic. It’s easy to work up to push-ups by starting on an incline or a wall. The technique is exactly the same as above, only you’re more upright.
Once you can perform the basic push-up you can progress to diamond push-ups and eventually one-armed push-ups.

Monday, November 2, 2015

10-minute home cardio workout

10-Minute Workout

If you want to melt excess holiday calories faster than snow, try this pumped-up cardio routine developed by Keli Roberts, creator of 10-Minute Cardio Kick Box. You'll burn 150 calories in just 10 minutes.

Jump Rope

Begin by taking two jumps for each turn; land softly on balls of feet.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms by sides. Squat down, bringing hands to floor outside your feet. Jump legs back into a plank pose. Do one push-up. Hop feet to the inside of hands, then jump up, reaching fingertips toward the ceiling. Repeat

Jump Rope

Do one jump per turn.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up with Side-Plank

Repeat minute 2 to 3, but after completing push-up, shift weight onto your right hand and the outside of your right foot. Rotate body to the right, extending left arm toward ceiling; keep hips lifted. Rotate back to center and repeat on opposite side. Hop feet back to start and jump up; repeat.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up with Leg Lifts

Jump Rope

Do one jump per turn.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up with Leg Lifts

Repeat minute 2 to 3. After completing push-up, lift left toes about 12 inches. Lower and repeat with right. Hop back to start, jump up, and repeat.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up with Mountain Climbers

Jump Rope

Do one jump per turn.

Squat-Thrust Push-Up with Mountain Climbers

Repeat minute 2 to 3. After completing the push-up, hop right foot to the floor just underneath hips. Quickly hop right foot back, extending leg behind you, while bringing left foot forward. Complete 5 hops on each leg, alternating sides. Hop feet back to start, jump up, and repeat.

Jump Rope

Do one jump per turn.

fitness care