The Latest Fitness … Zumba Dance

You can enjoy this lively dance which is inspired by the famous Latin dance. People of all ages and weights can go AL Zumba wonderful experience without the need for prior knowledge of this type of dance.

You only live one life

In the world of fitness, you may have noticed three main types of people

10-Minute Workout

If you want to melt excess holiday calories faster than snow, try this pumped-up cardio routine developed by Keli Roberts

Five Rules That Can Burn Fat

1. Delete carbohydrate from your Evening meal: Perhaps this step may be one of the most affecting in your diet. It is the most important because it reduces the total calories because the body takes longer to digest at night

Top 25 At-Home Exercises

Life can get busy, and sometimes we find ourselves traveling or unable to get to our preferred health and fitness facility for a workout

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Foods to Eat for Energy

Many of these food choices are healthy and will provide energy because according to the study they contain an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants, while being low in calories. Try these energy boosters on the run, inside a recipe, for a snack, or in a meal.If you have to drag yourself with the day, it’s easy to think popping a supplement or chugging an energy drink might help recharge your battery. Not so fast. All-day energy doesn’t originate from a pill or a concoction inside a can. It comes from real food, that is packed with nature’s secret stash of natural revitalizers such as complex carbs, protein, and fiber. All foods and most drinks contain calories which we are able to use as an energy source. The nutrients that provide us with energy are carbohydrates, fats, protein and alcohol.
Red Beans
Small and dark red beans are low in fat, high in protein and fiber that will leave you feeling full and energized. A good source of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and thiamin red beans also contain phytonutrients.
Since they’re composed mostly of sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) and fiber, bananas really are a foolproof energy food. Top them with peanut or almond butter for any well-rounded snack, or slice one into your morning cereal for an extra boost that will keep you going until lunchtime.
Salmon is low in saturated fats and cholesterol and is a good source of protein. Most importantly though salmon is definitely an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are a type of fat which makes your blood less likely to form clots and could also protect against irregular heartbeats, decrease triglyceride levels, decrease the growth of artery-clogging plaques, lower blood pressure and prevent stroke.
Lean protein, iron, B-vitamins and amino acids make beans a clear go-to for energy, but another big benefit originates from their fiber content. Fiber slows digestion, giving your body a longer-term source of energy.
Brown Rice
Rich in manganese, the mineral that helps produce energy from protein and carbs, it can help you maintain high energy all day. A versatile ingredient, brown rice can be served like a side dish with your favorite lean proteins (together with nutrient-packed veggies!) for a powerhouse your meal.
Sweet Potato
With only 54 calories in one small sweet potato, this delicious food is fat-free and low in calories. Additionally, the deep orange-yellow color of sweet potatoes means that they’re high in the antioxidant beta caroteneEnergy food sources of beta carotene, that are converted to vitamin A in your body, might help slow the aging process and prevent some cancers. Sweet potatoes are also good sources of fiber, vitamins B-6, C and E, fol-ate and potassium.
Having a rainbow of flavors to choose from, yogurt is really a healthy breakfast or snack option when you’re on a tight schedule. Rich in magnesium, which is crucial for that release of energy, yogurt also adds a dose of calcium to your diet. Enjoy it post-workout to help replenish your glycogen sources.
Almonds, like many nuts, are one of the best plant sources of protein. Protein will help regulate your blood sugar and keep your energy level stable through the day. Almonds are also good for your heart simply because they contain monounsaturated fat which may help lower blood cholesterol levels. Along with protein, almonds contain fiber, riboflavin, magnesium, iron and calcium.
Fiber will help satisfy your appetite and provide you with a quick energy supply by making you are feeling full. Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that may lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Antioxidants, like vitamin C, will help protect your body’s cells from damage and fresh apples are an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C also helps make up the connective tissue collagen, keeps your capillaries and blood vessels healthy, and helps with the absorption of iron.
Carrots are high in fiber, so that they are a great crunchy way to take the edge off hunger, while providing some good nutrition. They contain high amounts of Vitamin A, in the form of Beta-Carotene, which is good for that eye sight. Since they are a veggie which mixes well with most other foods, they are great to snack on through the day.
Blueberries have been shown to improve short-term memory and promote healthy aging. Blueberries will also be a low-calorie source of fiber and vitamin C. Just 1 cup of fresh blueberries has 84 calories, 3.6 grams of fiber and 14 mg of vitamin C.
Broccoli is another great source of the antioxidants vitamins A and C to safeguard your cells from damage. It’s also a good source of calcium, potassium, folate and fiber. Many of these will leave you with energy and a powerful immune system.

Lemon Water
It may sounds simple, but sipping water with lemon (cold or hot) may provide energy. One of the biggest forms of fatigue is dehydration, so be sure to sip up! Lemon gives an additional boost of vitamins and enzymes. Be sure to start your day having a cup of hot water with lemon.

Benefits of Walking

Walking is easy to do and offers many benefits.

1. Walking improves circulation. It also wards off heart disease, brings up the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and strengthens the heart
2. Walking shores up your bones. It can stop the loss of bone mass for those with osteoporosis,  study of post-menopausal women found that 30 minutes of walking each day reduced their risk of hip fractures by 40 percent.
3. Walking leads to a longer life
4. Walking lightens mood. A study showed that the more steps people took during the day, the better their moods were. Why? Walking releases natural pain­killing endorphins to the body – one of the emotional benefits of exercise.
5. Walking can lead to weight loss. A brisk 30-minute walk burns 200 calories. Over time, calories burned can lead to pounds dropped.
6. Walking strengthens muscles. It tones your leg and abdominal muscles – and even arm muscles if you pump them as you walk. This increases your range of motion, shifting the pressure and weight from your joints and muscles – which are meant to handle weight – helping to lessen arthritis pain
7. Walking improves sleep. 
8. Walking improves your breath. When walking, your breathing rate increases, causing oxygen to travel faster through bloodstream, helping to eliminate waste products and improve your energy level and the ability to heal.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A set of exercises for stomach

Monday, October 26, 2015

You only live one life.

In the world of fitness, you may have noticed three main types of people: 
1. The Wishers
They do the bare minimum in their workouts by exercising a few days per week (or not at all), give mild effort during the workouts, complain about life and have an excuse for everything. 
2. The Wonderers
They consistently work out multiple days per week where some days are better than others. However when it comes to life outside of the gym, they eat horribly and drink lots of alcohol. They wonder why they don’t get results. 
3. The Winners
They are extremely busy but still find time for daily exercise and make every workout count. They eat clean, drink in moderation (or not at all), get sufficient amounts of sleep, make no excuses and experience the best results--not just in the gym but in life. They get that "good enough" is not enough and if they want maximum results, then maximum effort needs to follow and they apply that mindset to their health and fitness and every other aspect in their lives. 
Condition yourself to make a habit out of giving your all every day and not just what you perceive as your all. If you want to see your health and fitness and the rest of your life improve, then give your absolute all and then a little  more.  At that point, it is guaranteed the things around you will begin to change. Your thought process will change and you will begin to demand excellence from yourself. 
You only live one life. Make it count. 
No more excuses and no more regrets. Don’t start tomorrow. Start today and make the rest of your life, the best of your life.

Daily Workout

Perform each movement for a total of 4 minutes, alternating between 20 seconds of all-out effort and 10 seconds of rest. The total length of the workout is 12 minutes.



Stance: Lying on the ground with palms flat on the ground next to body. Heels on the ground with toes together and pointed.
  1. Athlete squeezes through their gluts and core to raise their legs to a 90 degree angle.
  2. Athlete keeps feet together and toes pointed throughout the movement, and keeps their legs as straight as possible.
  3. Athlete lowers feet back to the ground in a controlled manner.


Stance: Face away from the box/bench/object with palms on the box, arms straight, and heels on the ground.
  1. Lower body until arms are bent at 90 degrees, keeping torso as vertical as possible throughout.
  2. Press back up until arms are straight.


Stance: Standing with feet under hips.
  1. Jump up bringing your knees as high as you can.
  2. Land softly with feet under hips.

The Five Weight-Loss Foods You Need


Doubling your protein consumption might help you lose weight, and if you're not a lover of poultry, beef, or pork, it can be tough to hit that sky-high number every day. Eating a diet loaded with seafood can help you get more low-calorie and lean protein into your life that can support your weight-loss goals and keep you satisfied. If you don't have fresh, wild-caught fish and seafood available locally, frozen fish is your best bet. Keep protein-rich shrimp or fish fillets ready to go.


Just half a cup of edamame is 95 calories but contains over eight grams of plant-based protein. Keeping a box of these frozen baby soy beans ensures that you always have a healthy protein source ready to go. These are tasty on their own as a light snack, but they can easily be tossed into soups, salads, or stir-fries to bump up the nutritional value of any thrown-together meal.


I always have a big bag of organic mixed berries tucked into my freezer. They are the perfect starter to any smoothie or smoothie bowl (pictured) and are chock-full of healthy antioxidants and nutrients that support weight loss. If you don't want to buy a bag, here's everything you need to know about freezing berries when they're fresh.


One of the amino acids found in bone broth that keeps your immunity boosted and your gut healed has also been linked to supporting weight loss and enhancing glucose metabolism in women. Once you slow-cook a batch, keep frozen mason jars of this magic elixir ready to go. This way you'll always have broth available when you need it.


If you only keep one frozen food in the freezer, make it a bag of mixed veggies. You can easily defrost and add fiber-rich vegetables to any meal. Make sure you buy a high-quality variety that you'll actually eat and enjoy.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Home Routine Workouts to Lose Weight

Home Routine Workouts to Lose Weight

If you have no time to go to the gym but want to get in shape, burn some calories and develop your muscles strength and cardio, you can have a daily home workout.
People think that the only way to achieve these goals is to go the gym, but you will see there are several powerful exercises you can do at home even if you have no equipment.
These are compound moves that have several benefits. A good example is burpee. This exercise engages a lot of muscles with that your body needs a lot of energy and as a result it burns fat efficiently. In addition, it increases you heart rate that leads to cardio benefits.
And the burpee is just one example, there are several other superior exercises you can do at home.
Is it a fine to work out daily?
Well, I believe not. You should have at least one day rest per a week. You know, the muscles need time to recover and after some time you will get bored with your daily workout routine.
You should also keep in mind that if you work out daily, your training should be shorter but intensive. 15-30 minutes is enough depending on your fitness level. You may think that it is not too much, but your aim is not to be a bodybuilder, you just want to develop cardio and strength to get in shape and be fit. Short and efficient programs are suitable for that purpose.

Top 25 At-Home Exercises

Top 25 At-Home Exercises

Life can get busy, and sometimes we find ourselves traveling or unable to get to our preferred health and fitness facility for a workout. These 25 moves to help you stay on track, no matter where you find yourself. Using only your own body weight, these versatile moves can help you create a total-body workout that fits your needs and abilities.

Who doesn't want to think they have super powers?  Great stretch as well when you picture trying to touch the opposing walls with your fingers and toes.

The Push-up is an oldie but goodie.  You can modify intensity by changing hand placement.

Contralateral Limb Raises
Don’t let the name scare you – this is great for toning those troubling upper body areas.

Bent Knee Push-up
A great starting option if you struggle with the correct form using a full Push-Up.

Downward-facing Dog
Slow and controlled movement very important – wonderful calf stretch.

Bent-Knee Sit-up / Crunches
Most people don’t know how to perform a proper sit-up/crunch – that is until now.  Core Power!

Push-up with Single-leg Raise
A great progression from a regular Push-Up but remember to keep proper form.

Front Plank
This is harder than it looks!  Your back and abs will love you. 

Side Plank with Bent Knee
Great way to add in hips work without the need for any equipment other than your own body weight.

Supine Reverse Crunches
Advanced crunch that targets the entire core region.  If you feel pain in your back – STOP.

This is my “good morning, time to wake up” exercise – great way to get ready for a busy day.

Squat Jumps
A bit of heart rate work while working on total body movement.

Forward Lunge
If I could only do one leg exercise for the rest of my life, a lunge would be my choice.

Forward Lunge with Arm Drivers
Start with the regular lunge and work up to this advanced exercise hitting some core areas.

Glute Activation Lunges
Often missed, this Gluteus workout is the MAXIMUS.

Glute Bridge
Real people do yoga – and this is a great entry exercise to the power of slow and controlled movements.

Hip Rotations (Push-up Position)
I’ve always had problems finding a good hip exercise – do this before any push-up exercises so you can stabilize your body before fatigue.

Side Lunge
Advanced in terms of needing to include some movement into what becomes a static pose.

Side Lying Hip Abduction
A common mistake is raising the leg too high in this exercise.  Small but effective movement.

Side Lying Hip Adduction
Even smaller movement than Abduction but equally important.

Side Plank (Modified)
Advanced exercise that brings together a combination of core exercises.  If you feel joint pain, STOP.

Side Plank with Straight Leg
Don’t forget to breathe on this exercise – exhale on the exertion.

Single Leg Stand
I do this one while brushing my teeth in the morning – some call it crazy, I call it multi-tasking.

Standing Calf Raises - Wall
My shins are my weak points, thus finding a great exercise like this to improve that area is important.

Supine Pelvic Tilts
May not look like an abdominal exercise, but you will feel the burn after a set of these.

The 7-minute workout that is as beneficial as a long run and a weights session

The 7-minute workout that is as beneficial as a long run and a weights session - but you must be in PAIN to reap benefits
The 12 exercises are most effective if you carry them out the in correct order with a 10 second break between each. A seven-minute exercise regime devised by scientists has been shown to provide as many health benefits as going for a long run and doing a session of weight training.
The workout requires no more than a wall, a chair and seven minutes of your time.
However the experts say that you must be in pain when performing the regime in order to benefit.

The Seven Minute Workout: The new exercise regime is very prescriptive in terms of the exercises you should do, the order in which you should do them and the length of time spent between each.
The previous photo outlines 12 exercises that uses the body’s own weight to get the same amount of exercise as doing a long run and session of weight-training in just seven minutes.

Spending hours in the gym may not be needed to reach optimum health with the seven minute workout
There’s very good evidence that high-intensity interval training provides many of the fitness benefits of prolonged endurance training but in much less time. Previous research has found that just a few minutes of training at an intensity approaching your maximum capacity produces molecular changes within muscles comparable to those of several hours of running or bike riding. 
Interval training, though, requires intervals. The scientists who devised this new workout say that to get the maximum benefits the extremely intense activity must be intermingled with brief periods of recovery. 
This recovery is provided in part by a 10-second rest between exercises. This rest is extended by alternating the muscles used in each exercise. 
During eat set of exercises, the unexercised muscles have a moment to ‘catch their breath’, which makes the order of the exercises important. 
The exercises should be performed in rapid succession, allowing 30 seconds for each.
But to get maximum benefits the intensity must hover at around and eight on what they term as the discomfort scale of 1 to 10.The seven minutes should be unpleasant. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Five Factors to consider before buying protein supplements


5 Factors to consider before buying protein supplements
Before you pay for that supplement, here is couple of factors to consider before you do, to get the best results and lowest cost out of it:

1) Your fitness Goal
If you’re aiming toward gaining weight and muscles; then you would benefit from protein powders that has more calories in it, some of these are sold as meal replacement or mass gainers powders.
But on the other hand, if you’re looking for fat loss, then use only 100% straight protein supplements, these are usually with <5 g carbs and < 5 g fat and 20-30 g protein per serving.

2) Type of supplements
Whey protein
Amongst all protein supplements, whey protein (derived from milk) is considered the number-one protein of choice; it has very high biological value, has a great combination of all the necessary amino acids (muscles building blocks), enhances circulatory system, improve immunity and has anti-aging effect.
Since whey protein is readily absorbed; it is convenient to consume around your training session, before, during and immediately after. Whey protein can be categorized into three types as follows:

Whey concentrate
Whey concentrate is the most common in the market, contains between 50-80% proteins depending on the product. It is usually used for gaining muscle mass and body weight since it contains fat and carbohydrates in the form of lactose in addition to protein.

Whey Isolate
The isolate version of whey (more processed form of it); separates whey from lactose, ash, fats and carbohydrates, so you would receive 90-97% protein. The isolate is usually more expensive than whey concentrate, get absorbed faster and convenient for persons on very restricted caloric intake.

Whey hydrolysate
Whey hydro is partially digested whey protein, and so it is the fastest to be absorbed compared to the other types, which makes it most convenient for post workout anabolic supplement. The best type is hydrolysate 520.

Although casein doesn't have the amino-acid profile available in whey protein, casein is considered the ideal anti-catabolic protein supplement, due to its slow digestion rate and release from intestine into the blood stream, so it is used to provide slow and continuous supply for your muscles while sleep.

Protein Blends
These contain mixes from whey concentrate, isolate soy-derived protein, casein and other food based proteins; the advantage of protein blends is that they offer you a wide array of proteins and absorption rates, which might be a very good choice to provide constant anabolic environment in your body.

3) Cost
When it comes to buying on budget, you need to think of the gains compared to the cost of the supplement, although whey protein -especially isolate whey- is more expensive, it is money well spent; because you’re getting more protein per gram of powder, plus buying in bulks may be cheaper and save you some money on the long run, but again, it all goes back to your primary objective of consuming the supp.
Some supplement products has additional ingredients such as vitamins and other weird –so called- muscle building ingredients that you might not need, so if you’re on a low budgets avoid these additions since they usually higher the price.

4) Time and way of intended use
If you wanted protein supplements to consume Pre Workout Supplements and after your workouts then you need ready absorbed ones, but if you needed ones that serve as meal replacements and provide you with amino acids for later hours then your need more slowly absorbed supplements or blends.
You might also want to consider how you want to take it; are you going to mix it with water, milk or put it in your recipes? Since that would affect the flavor you’re going to choose.

5) Supplement Brand
You need to be savvy buyer in the market, don’t fall for exaggerated claims of the supplement benefits; most of them don’t deliver all the benefits they claim to anyway.
So regardless of the product’s brand and flashy marketing phrases on it, make sure to read the ingredients list (avoid those that have more than 7-10 ingredients), do some digging and chose a producing company that is known to be in the market for couple of years, because that is an indication that it’s product are delivering results.

L. Mahan, S. Escott: Krause’s food & nutrition therapy: 12th edition.
F. Hatfield: Fitness the complete guide: Edition 8.6.6

fitness care